Holy Trinity strives to provide fellowship and outreach for everyone ranging from our Youth Group to our Young at Heart senior citizens.

There is no musical instrument created by God more wonderful than the human voice. It is the only instrument which can produce music coupled with words to serve Him with gladness and sing to Him songs of praise and thanksgiving. It is He who has given us life and has given life to our voices. The choir uses these gifts of God to serve Him by serving the congregation.

Lutheran Women’s Organization
Meets the second Tuesday of each month.

Purpose: To give the youth of the congregation (grades 3-8) and their friends an opportunity for social and spiritual fellowship under adult supervision.

Young at Heart (Senior Citizens)
Purpose: To give members age 55 and older the opportunity to meet together in Christian fellowship, share love and support with each other, and to use their knowledge, skills and experience in many areas of the church. Members of the Young at Heart regularly visit the sick and shut-ins of the congregation. The group meets once a month for meals as well as taking day trips. The group is self-supporting through free-will offerings.

Young Adults
Purpose: To give the single adults (High School and College age) of Holy Trinity and friends the opportunity for spiritual fellowship and growth under adult supervision. An annual “Young Adult Worship Service” is held under the spiritual leadership of the Pastor and elder. Several gatherings are held which include trips to the beach, skiing, hiking, and other destinations. A goal set by the Young Adults is to reach out to inactive same-age members and friends and share with them how to walk with Jesus daily.

20’s and 30’s
Purpose: To give those who graduate from the Young Adults group an opportunity for spiritual and social fellowship in the Christian setting. The 20’s and 30’s group plans their own program and takes on projects that benefit the whole congregation. The Group also selects topics of interest for study. The past couple of years the group held a cookout and activities day for the congregation and hosted the Fall Festival.

Purpose: To give the men of the congregation an opportunity to meet for spiritual fellowship. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month, except for June-August. This past year the group provided an Easter breakfast for the congregation, as well as meals for Palmetto Place as a mission outreach. All men are encouraged to attend.