Our Policies

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Phone: 803-791-9039 Email: holytrinityschoolsc@gmail.com

Non-Member Enrollment

The mission of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and School is to spread the good news of the Gospel to all the world. Children are no exception. Our church welcomes the children of  non-member families to attend our school based on the following criteria:  

1. The family is not regularly attending another church or the family has been referred to our school by a member of our congregation (regardless of church attendance elsewhere).

2. The family would first meet with the student’s teacher and the principal for an overview of the school and be given the non-member enrollment application

3. Upon approval of the student’s application, a second meeting would be arranged among the family, the Principal, the Pastor, and a School Committee member to review the application and further discuss the possibility of enrolling their child(ren) in our school.

4. Should the family wish to continue the pursuit of our school as an option for their child, they will be given an agreement regarding conduct and tuition, which will include the following:

a. A complete and unconditional understanding that any conduct detrimental to the education of other students or in opposition to the teachings of Holy Scripture will not be tolerated. Repetition of such conduct can lead to dismissal from school. The parents would be notified immediately and a meeting would be held in a timely manner with the teacher, Principal, Pastor, and the Chairman of the School Committee.

b. An agreement to pay the following tuition:
i. $1500 per year – Preschool / Kindergarten
ii. $3000 per year – 1st – 8th Grade
iv. A $1,000 discount would be applied to each younger child from the same family
v. This tuition can be paid per semester (due in August and early January) or monthly (August-May)

c. A statement which will include a review of the child(ren)’s continued enrollment at our school at the end of the school year.