(What To Think About Before Class)

Read: Colossians 1:1-2:5

Do Step 2 of “Three Steps to Reading an Epistle”

(We did Step 1 in class)

STEP 1. Identify Arrangement: How is this letter arranged?

Epistles are usually arranged into four parts. Look for these parts in your text:

– Greeting: introduces who is writing and to whom

1:1-2 Greeting

– Opening: usually prayer/poem, why writing, and main message/theme

1:3-2:5 Opening Thoughts

– Body: “Therefore” of the letter, focused on exhortation and instruction

2:6-4:6 Body of Letter

– Conclusion: closing greetings / instructions / blessing

4:7-17 Closing

STEP 2. Study Opening: What is the writer want to emphasize as the main message / purpose of the letter? Look for words that are repeated / patterns, big ideas

Read and Reread the Opening 1:3-2:5 (HINT: The Key Paragraph is the Poem 1:15-19)

Handout/In Class Study:
