For each lesson, below are the assignments to do ahead of time. The links will provide you materials to watch and read in preparation for the next class.

2. Joel – The Day of the LORD

Watch: Overview: Joel (Bible Project Video)

Watch: Day of the Lord (Bible Project Video)

Read: Joel (Bible Text)

Reflect: What do you think of when you hear the phrase “The Day of the Lord is at hand”? Should this evoke excitement or dread, happiness or terror, hope or despair? In the days of Joel, the people were experiencing the Day of the Lord through a great famine brought on by locusts. These locusts also are used to picture greater disasters such as war. All of this points us to the great and final day of the Lord. Think about a natural disaster that you have witnessed in your life. What was it like? How did the images and stories affect you? What questions does this raise about God? What is your response to God’s role in disasters? What do you suppose that these events teach us about God?

Class Handout: 2 Joel